Home//His page//

             Behind this site, behind its launching there is a "GREAT" guy (as he himself mentions). Even if I wanna develop the site from the very beginning,I was facing s-

ome problem to start developing but we  together solving theproblem can  march  forward.                                                                                        


            My message to him :  "We can face any hardship together"

            I am very thankful to him that through his artistic talent, Ii can make 

designs to the extent I like.                                 

            The "GREAT" guy is Oinam Chitrasen, everyone call him Sen "always with a smile"    

           For the first time I met him here in Hassan as he came as my junior, since I have never seen him feeling angry. Really he is a guy without anger, "always with a smile".

            He has a singing talent and has an ability to attract anyone to his view or some 

other .... But one thing, he is very much crazy of any girl but with a mole on the face. 

But    WHY???   More about him visit www.sensen.50megs.com                  

